Science Master Plan

One city. Lots of knowledge. This is illustrated by the approximately 54,000 students at the seven universities and the large number of non-university institutes, scientific archives as well as museums that make Dortmund an important university and science location.


non-university research institutes


cultural institutions



One city. Lots of knowledge. This is illustrated by the approximately 54,000 students at the seven universities and the large number of non-university institutes, scientific archives as well as museums that make Dortmund an important university and science location.


außeruniversitäre Forschungsinstitute



What´s new?

Dortmund bewirbt sich als europäische Innovationshauptstadt

Mit dem Titel „Innovation Next Door – Zukunft aus der Nachbarschaft“ bewirbt sich die Stadt Dortmund in diesem Jahr für den iCapital Award. Unter dem Motto stellt Dortmund soziale, nachhaltige und technologieorientierte Innovationen sowie die Netzwerke dahinter vor. Foto: Kristina Malis


UA Ruhr besiegelt Zusammenarbeit für internationale Spitzenforschung
Der Ausbau der internationalen Spitzenforschung der Universitätsallianz Ruhr (UA Ruhr) kann starten: Die drei Rektoren der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, der TU Dortmund und der Universität Duisburg-Essen unterzeichneten im Beisein von Wissenschaftsministerin Isabel Pfeiffer-Poensgen einen Kooperationsvertrag zur Gründung der Research Alliance Ruhr. Damit können die vier Research Center und das College nun beginnen, internationale Spitzenwissenschaftlerinnen und -wissenschaftler für ihre zukunftsweisenden Forschungsvorhaben zu gewinnen. Für die Aufbauphase stellt die Landesregierung hierfür bis 2024 aus Mitteln der Ruhr-Konferenz bis zu 75 Millionen Euro zur Verfügung. Bild: Michael Schwettmann


KinderUni der TU beantwortet Fragen rund um die Corona-Pandemie

Was ist eine Pandemie und wie können Orte wie der Campus der TU Dortmund zur sicheren „Grünen Zone“ werden? Diesen Fragen geht die aktuelle Vorlesung der KinderUni der TU Dortmund auf den Grund. Das 15-minütige Video zum Thema „Grüne Zonen gegen Corona“ richtet sich an Kinder im Alter von acht bis zwölf Jahren und kann ab sofort online abgerufen werden.

Die Kinder-Uni ist verknüpft mit der Themengruppe 1 „Wissenschaftsstadt“ im Masterplan Wissenschaft 2.0.

Bildhinweis: Prof. Matthias Schneider beantwortet Franziskas Fragen rund um die Corona-Pandemie und die No-Covid-Strategie. Bild: TU Dortmund



Am Donnerstag, 20.5.2021, hat der Rat der Stadt Dortmund den Masterplan Wissenschaft 2.0 einstimmig beschlossen. Als strategisches Instrument der Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Kultur, Verwaltung und Stadtgesellschaft geht der Masterplan Wissenschaft damit in die zweite Runde. Die Rektoren von TU Dortmund und FH Dortmund, Prof. Dr. Manfred Bayer und Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schwick, sowie der Masterplanbeauftragte Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Herbert Waldmann haben die Ergebnisse der einjährigen Entwicklungsphase den Ratsmitgliedern vorgestellt.

Photo: City of Dortmund/Roland Gorecki



Am 12. November 2021 ist es wieder soweit! Der 17. Dortmunder Wissenschaftstag findet in diesem Jahr als Hybrid-Veranstaltung statt und ermöglicht allen Interessent*innen den digitalen Einblick in die wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen. Weitere Infos in Kürze hier.

Photo: Fraunhofer IML



Prof. Dr. Andrea Kienle

„The Science Master Plan 2.0 provides the framework for new, participatory formats at the interface of science and urban development and offers space for experimentation and testing. Building on the jointly developed development concept ‘Campus 2030’, the university and other science locations are being further developed. Together with the student representatives of TU Dortmund University and Fachhochschule Dortmund – University of Applied Sciences and Arts, we are looking forward to this exciting process.“

Prof. Dr. Andrea Kienle, Vice Rector Digitalization Fachhochschule Dortmund – University of Applied Sciences and Arts and Spokesperson of focus group 4 ‘Experimental City’

Photo: Fachhochschule Dortmund – University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt

„I am very happy to live and do research in such a dynamic environment: Dortmund offers us plenty of opportunities to network and move forward together in the master plan!“

Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt, TU Dortmund University, Faculty of Social Sciences and spokesperson of the scientific competence field ‘Demographic Change’

Photo: TU Dortmund University

Herbert Waldmann

„The Science Master Plan is a very broad-based participation process that demonstrates the relevance of science for Dortmund, promotes good framework conditions and also advances the city’s competitiveness. It is not only about excellent research and teaching, but also about how we make scientific findings accessible to a broad public, stimulate discussions, arouse curiosity and initiate processes that improve our lives and enliven our economy.“

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Herbert Waldmann, commissioner for the Science Master Plan, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Physiology and TU Dortmund University

Photo: MPI

Marlene Schlüter

„The Science Master Plan gives us students in Dortmund the opportunity to play an active role in shaping things, to contribute our own ideas, to place student interests and to address them in cooperation with the focus groups. As student representatives, we are committed to making Dortmund even more livable for students.“

Marlene Schlüter, chairwoman of the AStA of the TU Dortmund University and

spokesperson of the focus group 4 ‘Experimental City’

Photo: private

Dirk Stürmer

„The Science Master Plan 2.0 is the perfect compass for our startups and growth companies at the science and technology location Dortmund.“

Dirk Stürmer, chairman of the Management Board, TechnologieZentrumDortmund and

spokesperson for focus group 3 ‘Knowledge Economy’

Photo: TZDo/Roland Kentrup

Katja Klingebiel

„The Science Master Plan 2.0 strengthens the interdisciplinary networking of all logistics players in Dortmund.“

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katja Klingebiel, Department of Economics, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, and spokesperson of the scientific competence field logistics

Photo: Fraunhofer IML

Thomas Westphal

„The Science Master Plan 2.0 engages with the urban society as well as with the economic partners in the Westphalian region, so that science and business can make progress within the network. The focus is on the great economic and social potential of artificial intelligence for our city. This is how Dortmund lets knowledge grow and uses the innovation of artificial intelligence for Dortmund as a ‘City of Neighbours’.“

Thomas Westphal, Mayor of the City of Dortmund

Photo: Lutz Kampert, Dortmund

Daniel Rauh

„The scientific competence field ‘Biomedicine and Drug Discovery’ creates an excellent basis for even broader translational biomedical research in Dortmund and it has already proven its viability in numerous collaborations. The academic and industrial partners complement each other synergistically in Dortmund and benefit from the close proximity. This unprecedented network must be manifested and further expanded in the Science Master Plan 2.0 in order to further strengthen Dortmund as a location for translational drug development.“

Prof. Dr. Daniel Rauh, coordinator of the Drug Discovery Hub Dortmund, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, TU Dortmund University and speaker of the scientific competence field ‘Biomedicine and Drug Discovery’.

Photo: Mercur

Sylvia Tiews

„A central task of the Dortmund Economic Development Agency is dealig with the local and regional R&D transfer networks. Through these networks, Dortmund’s position as a Westphalian metropolis for knowledge and business-oriented services will be further expanded. The Economic Development Agency is therefore intensively involved in the Science Master Plan 2.0, with the aim of actively helping to build bridges between business, science, the City of Dortmund as well as other intermediary organizations.“

Sylvia Tiews, Economic Development Agency Dortmund 

Photo: Dortmund Economic Development Agency/Stefan Grey

Guido Quelle

„The Science Master Plan connects stakeholders from science and research, education, business and culture and creates meeting spaces with the urban society – the Dortmund Foundation is happy to support this.“

Prof. Dr. Guido Quelle, Dortmund Foundation

Photo: Mandat GmbH

Stefan Schreiber

„Dortmund’s development into a science city is unmistakable. We want to work together to further strengthen science competencies, especially through cooperation between business and science, and make our skills visible.“

Stefan Schreiber, Chief Executive Officer of the Dortmund Chamber of Industry and Commerce and spokesperson for Focus group 3 ‘Knowledge Economy’

Photo: Dortmund Chamber of Industry and Commerce/Isabella Thiel

Uwe Clausen

„Science not only offers exciting career prospects for curious people, it is also an important basis for the innovative strength of a city or region. I like to get involved in the Science Master Plan in Dortmund because I have lived here for more than 20 years, I want to strengthen the visibility of science, I find the exchange between stakeholders very conducive, and we can contribute with our logistics research, for example, to better solutions in supply and disposal, to competitive services, sustainable processes, and technologies that serve people.“

Prof. Dr. Uwe Clausen, Institute Director Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics

Photo: Fraunhofer IML

Michael Henke

„The Science Master Plan 2.0 strengthens the interdisciplinary networking of all logistics players in Dortmund.“

Prof. Dr. Michael Henke, Institute Director at Fraunhofer IML / Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, TU Dortmund University and spokesperson for the scientific competence field of logistics

Photo: Fraunhofer IML

Christian Rehtanz

„The ongoing transformation of the city of Dortmund and the Ruhr region into a metropolis of innovation and knowledge finds an outstanding expression in the competence field of energy for the transformation of the energy system towards CO2 neutrality by means of new materials, digitalization as well as spatial, economic and social system considerations. This is where the Science Master Plan helps to bundle strengths and expand them in a targeted manner.“  

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Rehtanz, Institute for Energy Systems, Energy Efficiency and Energy Economics, TU Dortmund University and spokesperson for the scientific competence field of energy

Photo: TU Dortmund University/Roland Beage

Michaela Bonan

„The best activities are of no use if they do not reach the urban society. Good communication –  open and transparent – is key to any successful change process. I’m pleased to be able to contribute my expertise in the field of participation and communication to the master plan and actively shape the implementation process.“

Michaela Bonan, Ombudswoman for Citizens‘ Interests and Initiatives

Photo: coordination office „nordwärts“/Sebastian Vauken

Prof. Dr. Monika Reichert

„In my opinion, the Science Master Plan is exemplary for other municipalities and/or regions. My participation offers me the great opportunity not only to discuss the future opportunities and challenges of demographic change together with Dortmund colleagues, but also to conduct interdisciplinary research.“

Prof. Dr. Monika Reichert, Institute of Sociology, TU Dortmund University and spokesperson of the scientific competence field Demographic Change

Photo: TU Dortmund University

Evi Hoch

„The Science Master Plan 2.0 triggers innovative projects at important interfaces between science, society and business. As a supporter of science, we are very pleased to accompany and support this future-relevant joint project from the very beginning!“

Evi Hoch, Wilo Foundation, Board of Directors

Photo: Wilo Foundation

Wilhelm Schwick

„The Science Master Plan is of particular importance to me because universities can have an impact on areas of society – and vice versa.“

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schwick, Rector of Fachhochschule Dortmund – University of Applied Sciences and Arts and spokesperson for focus group 2 ‘Excellence & Networking’

Photo: Fachhochschule Dortmund – University of Applied Sciences and Arts/Volker Wiciok

Svenja Rebsch

„The Science Master Plan 2.0 has elaborated the potentials of excellence and networking. RIF is particularly committed to cross-institutional development projects and international visibility in the competence field of production technology. For the transfer with an industrial and societal focus, which we shape in cooperation with partners from industry in an interdisciplinary and practice-oriented manner, we greatly appreciate the diverse cooperation opportunities at the science location Dortmund.“

Dr. Svenja Rebsch, RIF Institute for Research and Transfer e.V., Managing Director


Barbara Welzel

„Dortmund is a diverse city of science and a vibrant cultural metropolis; both aspects are closely intertwined. Together, we want to network players and increase visibility and participation. This includes, not least, active participation of young people.“

Prof. Dr. Barabara Welzel, Department of Art and Art History, TU Dortmund University and spokesperson for focus group 1 ‘Science City and Cultural Metropolis’

Photo: Lutz Kampert, Dortmund

Ludger Wilde

„The Science Master Plan 2.0 provides the framework for new, participatory formats at the interface of science and urban development and offers space for experimentation and testing. Building on the jointly developed development concept Campus 2030, the university and science locations are being further developed. Together with the student representatives of TU Dortmund University and Fachhochschule Dortmund – University of Applied Sciences and Arts, we are looking forward to this exciting process.“

Ludger Wilde, head of the planning department of the city of Dortmund and

spokesperson of the focus group 4 ‘Experimental City’

Photo: Dortmund-Agentur/Roland Gorecki

Manfred Bayer

„With the Master Plan for Science, we are working together to further develop Dortmund as a city of science and to visibly communicate our successes to the outside world. It goes without saying that TU Dortmund University, as the largest local research institution with more than 33,000 students, is involved from the very beginning.“

Prof. Dr. Manfred Bayer, Rector of TU Dortmund University and

spokesperson for Focus group 2 „Excellence & Networking“

Photo: TU Dortmund University/Benito Barajas

Prof. Dr. Christoph Strünck

„The Master Plan offers the opportunity to find paths to important partners in Dortmund’s science landscape and to form new alliances. The mix of universities, research institutions, research-based companies and public institutions opens up very good prospects for productively combining basic research and application-oriented research. This requires a process like the Master Plan, which is driven by joint commitment and distributed responsibility.“

Prof. Dr. Christoph Strünck, director of the Institute of Gerontology at TU Dortmund University and spokesperson for the scientific competence field of demographic change

Photo: private



Thomas Westphal

"The Science Master Plan 2.0 engages with the urban society as well as with the economic partners in the Westphalian region, so that science and business can make progress within the network. The focus is on the great economic and social potential of artificial intelligence for our city. This is how Dortmund lets knowledge grow and uses the innovation of artificial intelligence for Dortmund as a ‘City of Neighbours’."

Thomas Westphal, Oberbürgermeister

Herbert Waldmann

"The Science Master Plan is a very broad-based participation process that demonstrates the relevance of science for Dortmund, promotes good framework conditions and also advances the city's competitiveness. It is not only about excellent research and teaching, but also about how we make scientific findings accessible to a broad public, stimulate discussions, arouse curiosity and initiate processes that improve our lives and enliven our economy."

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Herbert Waldmann, Beauftragter für den Masterplan Wissenschaft 2.0,
Max-Planck-Institut für molekulare Physiologie und TU Dortmund

Dirk Stürmer

"The Science Master Plan 2.0 is the perfect compass for our startups and growth companies at the science and technology location Dortmund."

Dirk Stürmer, Vorsitzender der Geschäftsführung, TechnologieZentrumDortmund
und Sprecher der Themengruppe 3 „Wissenswirtschaft“

Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt

"I am very happy to live and do research in such a dynamic environment: Dortmund offers us plenty of opportunities to network and move forward together in the master plan!"

Prof. Dr. Martina Brandt, TU Dortmund, Fakultät Sozialwissenschaften
Sprecherin des wissenschaftlichen Kompetenzfelds Demografischer Wandel

Guido Quelle

"The Science Master Plan connects stakeholders from science and research, education, business and culture and creates meeting spaces with the urban society – the Dortmund Foundation is happy to support this."

Prof. Dr. Guido Quelle, Dortmund Foundation

Christian Rehtanz

"The ongoing transformation of the city of Dortmund and the Ruhr region into a metropolis of innovation and knowledge finds an outstanding expression in the competence field of energy for the transformation of the energy system towards CO2 neutrality by means of new materials, digitalization as well as spatial, economic and social system considerations. This is where the Science Master Plan helps to bundle strengths and expand them in a targeted manner."

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Rehtanz, Technische Universität Dortmund,Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
Sprecher des wissenschaftlichen Kompetenzfelds Energie

Michael Henke

"The Science Master Plan 2.0 strengthens the interdisciplinary networking of all logistics players in Dortmund."

Prof. Dr. Michael Henke,
Institutsleiter am Fraunhofer IML und Lehrstuhl für Unternehmenslogistik an der Fakultät Maschinenbau, TU Dortmund

Katja Klingebiel

"The Science Master Plan 2.0 strengthens the interdisciplinary networking of all logistics players in Dortmund."

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katja Klingebiel, Fachbereich Wirtschaft, FH Dortmund
Sprecherteam des wissenschaftlichen Kompetenzfelds Logistik

Daniel Rauh

"The scientific competence field ‘Biomedicine and Drug Discovery’ creates an excellent basis for even broader translational biomedical research in Dortmund and it has already proven its viability in numerous collaborations. The academic and industrial partners complement each other synergistically in Dortmund and benefit from the close proximity. This unprecedented network must be manifested and further expanded in the Science Master Plan 2.0 in order to further strengthen Dortmund as a location for translational drug development."

Prof. Dr. Daniel Rauh, coordinator of the Drug Discovery Hub Dortmund, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, TU Dortmund University and speaker of the scientific competence field ‘Biomedicine and Drug Discovery’

Sylvia Tiews

„Eine zentrale Aufgabe der Wirtschaftsförderung Dortmund sind die lokalen und regionalen  F&E-Transferverbünde. Mit diesen soll der Wirtschaftsstandort Dortmunds als westfälische  Metropole für wissens- und unternehmensorientierte Dienstleistungen weiter ausgebaut  werden. Die Wirtschaftsförderung Dortmund beteiligt sich daher intensiv am Prozess zum  Masterplan Wissenschaft 2.0. Ziel ist es, den Brückenbau zwischen Wirtschaft, der  Wissenschaft, der Stadt Dortmund und weiteren intermediären Organisationen zu begleiten  und aktiv mitzugestalten.“ 

Sylvia Tiews, Wirtschaftsförderung Dortmund  

Uwe Clausen

"Science not only offers exciting career prospects for curious people, it is also an important basis for the innovative strength of a city or region. I like to get involved in the Science Master Plan in Dortmund because I have lived here for more than 20 years, I want to strengthen the visibility of science, I find the exchange between stakeholders very conducive, and we can contribute with our logistics research, for example, to better solutions in supply and disposal, to competitive services, sustainable processes, and technologies that serve people."

Prof. Dr. Uwe Clausen, Institutsleitung Fraunhofer-Institut für Materialfluss und Logistik (IML)

Stefan Schreiber

"Dortmund's development into a science city is unmistakable. We want to work together to further strengthen science competencies, especially through cooperation between business and science, and make our skills visible."

Stefan Schreiber, Hauptgeschäftsführung IHK zu Dortmund und Sprecher der Themengruppe 3 „Wissenswirtschaft“

Marlene Schlüter

„Der Masterplan Wissenschaft gibt uns Studierenden in Dortmund die Möglichkeit aktiv mitzugestalten, eigene Ideen einzubringen, studentische Interessen zu platzieren und in Zusammenarbeit mit den Themengruppen anzugehen. Als Studierendenvertretung engagieren wir uns, um Dortmund für Studierende noch lebenswerter zu machen.“

Marlene Schlüter, Vorsitzende des AStA der TU Dortmund und Sprecherin der Themengruppe 4 „Experimentelle Stadt“

Michaela Bonan

„Die schönsten Aktivitäten nützen nichts, wenn sie nicht in der Stadtgesellschaft ankommen. Gute Kommunikation – offen und transparent – ist das A und O jedes erfolgreichen Veränderungsprozesses. Es freut mich, dass ich meine Expertise im Bereich der Partizipation und Kommunikation in den Masterplan einbringen und den Umsetzungsprozess aktiv mitgestalten kann.“

Michaela Bonan, Ombudsfrau für Bürgerinteressen und -initiativen

Evi Hoch

"The Science Master Plan 2.0 triggers innovative projects at important interfaces between science, society and business. As a supporter of science, we are very pleased to accompany and support this future-relevant joint project from the very beginning!"

Evi Hoch, Wilo Foundation, Board of Directors

Manfred Bayer

"With the Master Plan for Science, we are working together to further develop Dortmund as a city of science and to visibly communicate our successes to the outside world. It goes without saying that TU Dortmund University, as the largest local research institution with more than 33,000 students, is involved from the very beginning."

Prof. Dr. Manfred Bayer, Rector of TU Dortmund University and spokesperson for Focus group 2 "Excellence & Networking"

Svenja Rebsch

„Der Masterplan Wissenschaft 2.0 hat die Potenziale von Exzellenz und Vernetzung herausgearbeitet. RIF setzt sich im Kompetenzfeld Produktionstechnik besonders für institutionsübergreifende Entwicklungsprojekte und die internationale Sichtbarkeit ein. Für den Transfer mit industriellem und gesellschaftlichem Fokus, den wir in Kooperation mit Partnern aus der Wirtschaft interdisziplinär und praxisgerecht gestalten, schätzen wir die vielfältigen Kooperationsmöglichkeiten am Wissenschaftsstandort Dortmund sehr.“

Dr. Svenja Rebsch, RIF Institut für Forschung und Transfer e.V., Geschäftsführung

Barbara Welzel

"Dortmund is a diverse city of science and a vibrant cultural metropolis; both aspects are closely intertwined. Together, we want to network players and increase visibility and participation. This includes, not least, active participation of young people."

Prof. Dr. Barabara Welzel, Seminar für Kunst und Kunstwissenschaft, TU Dortmund und Sprecherin der Themengruppe 1 „ Wissenschaftsstadt und Kulturmetropole

Wilhelm Schwick

„Der Masterplan Wissenschaft hat für mich eine besondere Bedeutung, weil die Hochschulen in gesellschaftliche Bereiche hineinwirken können – und umgekehrt.“

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schwick, Rektor der FH Dortmund und Sprecher der Themengruppe 2 “Exzellenz & Vernetzung”

Photo: Dortmund-Agentur/Roland Gorecki


City of Dortmund
Department for Mayoral and City Council’s Affairs

Science Master Plan Coordination Office

Betenstrasse 19
DE-44137 Dortmund

Angela Märtin,
Science and Academia Officer
(0049) (0)231 50-22586

Christina-Bella Pagés,
Research Assistant
(0049) (0)231 50-25809


City of Dortmund

Amt für Angelegenheiten des Oberbürgermeisters und des Rates Hochschule & Wissenschaft


Science Master Plan Coordination Office

Betenstrasse 19
44137 Dortmund, Germany

Angela Märtin,

Science and Academia Officer
0231 50-22586

Laura Berndt,
Research Assistant
0231 50-25945

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A big ‘thank you’ to Sparkasse Dortmund for supporting the creation of this website.

Photo: City of Dortmund/Roland Gorecki


City of Dortmund

Amt für Angelegenheiten des Oberbürgermeisters und des Rates Hochschule & Wissenschaft


Science Master Plan Coordination Office

Betenstrasse 19
44137 Dortmund, Germany

Angela Märtin,

Science and Academia Officer
0231 50-22586

Laura Berndt,
Research Assistant
0231 50-25945


City of Dortmund

Amt für Angelegenheiten des Oberbürgermeisters und des Rates Hochschule & Wissenschaft


Science Master Plan Coordination Office

Betenstrasse 19
44137 Dortmund, Germany

Angela Märtin,

Science and Academia Officer
0231 50-22586

Laura Berndt,
Research Assistant
0231 50-25945



2 + 3 =

Many thanks to Sparkasse Dortmund for supporting the creation of this website.